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Friday, April 28, 2006

Spam ?

When spanish people get spam, do they call it flan? Today I had lunch a a nice little spanish diner. Reminds me of where I grew up in Miami and I really enjoy the food. After finishing my lunch, I asked what they had for desert. The waitress said "We only have flan." . My ears perked up and my heart raced! FLAN! OOH WONDERFUL FLAN! Not since living in Miami have I had this wonderful treat. It has all the sweet texture of cheesecake but its something completely different.

Then I got to thinking.... When spanish people get spam mail, do they call it flan?

Ok so maybe I just think too much.
posted by Jules at 1:19 PM 0 comments

What happened to our economy?

I started to rant into a post and decided to edit it... This pretty much says it all. The average employee last year with IBM recieved less then a 3% payraise. Of which now for me I have gotten 0 for 3 years while being rated by the company come bonus time as a "Solid" contributer. But yet I read this about our company president.


CNN Money quote
"Just in terms of CEOs' base salary, the average increase was 8.5 percent, still multiples above that for workers, for whom the average pay increase in 2005 was 3.4 percent, according to Hewitt Associates."
posted by Jules at 9:10 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Where is my tax refund !!

Ever wanted to find out the status of your tax refund ..


The only problem is you have to recall what the exact figure of the refund was. Hopefull you keep your records handy. As for me ... expecting a lot but probably not going to get it back. Turns out my IRA people decided not to withdraw all my taxes I took on the home downpayment! ARGH!
posted by Jules at 11:45 AM 0 comments

Note !!

Never ever shutdown an HMC in the middle of a firmware upgrade on any power based system!! It can create a VERY GRUEELING SITIAAATION!


More on upgrading firmware to various power 5 managed systems can be found at the above link. Enjoy!
posted by Jules at 11:12 AM 0 comments