Microphone Please ...
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Iphone review.
Like of the herd of lemmings, I decided a couple of months ago to go purchase my new Iphone. Over the last 2-3 years I have had a treo 650. I really did like my Treo, but due to the weight and size of the device, its time was coming to an end. My wife purchased hers first and I purchased mine a week or two later. Went to the local Apple store, wait and purchase was a total 15 minutes. Sweet!
Now understand something, I am not a chatty person on the phone and I rarely even answer my phone. The iphone is more about the apps and geek device then it is the phone. Between Safari and the apps, I get about everything I need out of the phone. The surfing is quick and I can check my emails and get my sms messages. Even for the ipod portion of the phone, I mostly listen to books. Now that I have had the device for a few months, it would seem that there are some things about the device that bug me.
- If you were to look at my playlists on my iphone, you wouldn't find a lot of music. My playlists are mostly filled with audiobooks. I have one or two that are for music but its the occasional upbeat song from the 70s and 80s for some generation of mood or friday hurrah. When it comes to my books though, I thoroughly enjoy my ipod/iphone. I can listen and catch up on several books I own in paper and I just dont have the capacity to carry all that I am reading. My peeve is this. When you listen to an audiobook, most people know that the books are comprised of several cd's that are carved up with mp3 files. In most cases those files are not individual chapters and are spliced between the individual files themselves. So you may have 30 files on cd 1 that may have 13 chapters. It bugs me to no end when you have to stop where you left off and only to come back later and find that you completely lost where you left off. If you immediately return usually there is a bookmark of some sort. But if you come back a few days later or so, that bookmark is usually gone.
Also you will notice that if you have several playlists with music or books, each individual playlist will not keep where you left off. So if I am listening to two or three books at a time then its difficult to find where you last left. This is just huge peeve to me that you cannot bookmark sections in your playlist
- another peeve, speaker phone on the dialpad. They need to move this as my ear keeps touching it during the call and the next thing I know everyone is privy to my conversation. They really need to move the position of the button in the keypad.
- Auto-completion in sms. I am seriously debating turning this "feature" off. I am just not sure how long I am willing to put up with having my messages changed from what I meant to put in to something I didn't by auto-complete. I am seriously contemplating changing our daughters name from Zoe to doe. Although I think my wife and daughter beg to differ.
Now understand something, I am not a chatty person on the phone and I rarely even answer my phone. The iphone is more about the apps and geek device then it is the phone. Between Safari and the apps, I get about everything I need out of the phone. The surfing is quick and I can check my emails and get my sms messages. Even for the ipod portion of the phone, I mostly listen to books. Now that I have had the device for a few months, it would seem that there are some things about the device that bug me.
- If you were to look at my playlists on my iphone, you wouldn't find a lot of music. My playlists are mostly filled with audiobooks. I have one or two that are for music but its the occasional upbeat song from the 70s and 80s for some generation of mood or friday hurrah. When it comes to my books though, I thoroughly enjoy my ipod/iphone. I can listen and catch up on several books I own in paper and I just dont have the capacity to carry all that I am reading. My peeve is this. When you listen to an audiobook, most people know that the books are comprised of several cd's that are carved up with mp3 files. In most cases those files are not individual chapters and are spliced between the individual files themselves. So you may have 30 files on cd 1 that may have 13 chapters. It bugs me to no end when you have to stop where you left off and only to come back later and find that you completely lost where you left off. If you immediately return usually there is a bookmark of some sort. But if you come back a few days later or so, that bookmark is usually gone.
Also you will notice that if you have several playlists with music or books, each individual playlist will not keep where you left off. So if I am listening to two or three books at a time then its difficult to find where you last left. This is just huge peeve to me that you cannot bookmark sections in your playlist
- another peeve, speaker phone on the dialpad. They need to move this as my ear keeps touching it during the call and the next thing I know everyone is privy to my conversation. They really need to move the position of the button in the keypad.
- Auto-completion in sms. I am seriously debating turning this "feature" off. I am just not sure how long I am willing to put up with having my messages changed from what I meant to put in to something I didn't by auto-complete. I am seriously contemplating changing our daughters name from Zoe to doe. Although I think my wife and daughter beg to differ.
posted by Jules at 6:41 AM