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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Catching up.

Adrianne graduated only a couple of weeks ago from Byron Nelson HS. Exciting times and the end of one period of her life. Decided to take this week off as she goes to her college orientation on Tues/Wed at TWU. I had a fun time going with her. She enjoyed her overnight stay and I won a gift certificate at the Wed morning breakfast. I just hope she doesn't get burned out too quickly thinking it's all about partying and sleepovers. Lots of work to be done. I remember her saying "Wow if this is what its all about, I'm going to do really well.". Sigh... Don't want to burst her bubble. Let's see how it goes.

Life seems to be moving at a brisk pace. Job is going somewhat well. Could be better in certain areas I just won't make public. I'm not really complaining. Probably just getting old. On the subject of physical things, it's not like I don't have everything I could ever want . Lord knows I have more computers then most. lol!. Rutt maybe the issue too. But then again one does like their comfort zones.

News is pretty damn depressing. Wars, people stupidity concerning the poor, sick and mentally ill. It just boggles my mind how people are so insensitive when it comes to money, religion and politics. Some people, at least from messages I have read, seem to be of the ilk of "Don't take what I go away from me, why should I have to pay or really.. I just dont care.". Over the past few years both of my daughters have volunteered hundreds of hours of their own time. That's not a thing you see much from people in my area. There are just a whole lot of people who talk a good talk but when it comes down to it, they'd rather close their doors and watch some "reality tv" or footbawl. We have become a very closed door, judgmental, leave me along society. It's sad. I'm glad my daughters and I talk. A lot. About everything and anything. I am glad they volunteer and are incredibly caring and considerate of others. They understand that we don't live in a bubble and we are a community and there are others who need help. Adrianne registered for her classes this week and one of the first things she jumped on was the volunteering LLC which is a course where not only can she engage in some writing but also volunteer her time with underprivileged kids in the Denton County area. Nobody had to goad her into it or pressure her, she jumped on it. Impressed.

Things coming up.

- Enjoy rest of vacation
- plug money away for college (buffer)
- Try and remain positive about things. Drink caff, get out go for a walk, get dumb crap off my mind.
- Adrianne officially starts school coming up on August 20th. Gear up for that.
- Keep mind focused on work. It pays the college bill. Stay positive here.
- Fix car (Yeah threw the clutch)
- Keep Adrianne focused on the important stuff.
- Zoe.. well Zoe is just going to be Zoe
- Mom, pass going in different directions. Meet in the middle occasionally. That's life.

That's enough from me and my usual ranting.

posted by Jules at 7:51 AM 0 comments

Sunday, June 01, 2014

A letter to my graduating daughter. Adrianne Owens.

I have an 18 year old daughter! How is that even possible? She graduates High School on June 10th 2014. How is that even possible? (tons of help thats for damn sure. Tongue in cheek.) I love this girl to death with all my heart but much like when I was a kid, you never realize how much your parents really do. It is so incredibly hard for me to imagine that it just feels like it was just not that long ago that we picked up everything and moved to this town of Trophy Club.
New job, new life, new baby girl and wife. So much history in this town and raising her here has been so much fun. It is the first time I have ever felt so connected to a place. Her first birthday in home on 5 Shasta. Her first soccer games blocks away. Her first preschool at the baptist church. Her first tumble down a flight of stairs in our house there. Moving to our next house off of village trail and then to our current house shortly after Zoe was born. Why does it just feel like it's all a blur?
Great teachers. Great school. Incredible new friends. So many of which went with Adrianne through her whole life so far. It's funny to think that not only did I get to watch her grow up, but our friends did too. As well as us getting to watch their kids grow too. She had so many challenges with her disease. But she always seems to just keep pushing on through. That's Adrianne. A fighter. I know we all have amazing kids but I can only seem to think about mine right now. A girl who has this unbridled sense of compassion when it comes to others. Even when it comes to being patient with me.
I can't tell you how many times we have been with her at some school event where little kids were around her and just flocked to her to play. She has always been that way. Parents telling us "Is that your daughter? She has such a good way with little kids. She went into that playroom and the kids just came to her and now they're all quiet.". Several times at a chick-fil-a I know of off hand. Volunteering and working with the babies at church, we're told she was a natural.
As many times as she has gone to school and brought along some home baked food or homemade candies staying up all hours of the night trying to get it just right so she could hand them out in her class at school. Just like an Owens really. Always wanting to make someone happy. Compassion. Caring. Giving.
When mom was pregnant, I remember her saying "I am wishing for a baby sister!". We didn't know until Zoe was born, that she got her wish. Good thing it wasn't a big sister. That would have been a problem. I don't think Zoe could have been born to a better sister like Adrianne. I don't think she would have been as smart as she is now without Adrianne to watch,mimic and play with. A sister who cares and shares like Adrianne does. (crying)
There was honestly a time when if you would have told me "You're going to be a dad to two beautiful girls.", I would have laughed and said you were nuts. But now, after so many campouts, birthdays, soccer games, parties, medical challenges, ear infections and other misc sickies I can't begin to describe, I wouldn't give it up for the world. Someone once asked me "Do you ever wish you had a boy?". My reply will always be the same. "Are you nuts? And miss being a dad to my daughters? Dressup's and tea parties? Hot wheels on the floor? Endless hugs, giggles and laughter? princess pi's, clothes shopping, boy discussions, Prom dresses (yeah its flowing now) Are you insane? No way!" I am and always will be a participating daddy. I am and always be a loving father.

I am and always will be my daughters daddy.

Yeah I need to find a tissue now.

posted by Jules at 5:28 AM 0 comments