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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

D&D acitivity is back on track.

Its amazing, with the advent of moving to the new position, I have been able to a D&D campaign going on Sundays about once or twice a month. Nice to have a life again isn't it.

2 players 1 DM (me of course)
1 thief female elf
2 monks (yeah unusual but it works)
1 gnome illusionist (Npc)
1 Dwarven cleric (npc hes a nut)
1 Magic user (sorcerer)

So far the group now is up to 2nd level and have been through a couple of small campaigns based out of Forgotten Realms and all met at Waterdeep. They have created quite a reputation by helping out a local merchant trying to rebuild his rep and his shipping lanes by bringing back a local lighthouse taken over by pirates as well as recovering some family treasure from a crashed ship.

During the lighthouse recovery they had found info on a connection to a portal that had been taken over by a group of bandits working with some other foreign evil alignment. They have since moved through the portal only to find it worked one way with an activation sequence but not having the correct activation sequence to get them back. This has now tied them into the caves of chaos where they are looking for the reasoning behind the evil enemy taking over control of the portal. Where this leads I wont say but its going to be good.

I have lots plan so lets see where they go with it.
posted by Jules at 12:06 PM


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